With the continuous aim of ensuring good outcomes for every pregnancy, we engaged in training and retraining worships for identified traditional birth attendants for safe and hygienic practices. The third edition of the “Training The Traditional birth Attendants (TBAs) – TTT” in South West Nigeria took place at No 20, Karimu Street, Orile Iganmu Lagos on the 21th of December, 2019 (a follow up and feedback meeting). The program was slated for 4:00pm at the meeting venue of the TBAs as the last one. We started with a short introduction and a reminder of who we are – Safer Hands Health Initiative – with a welcome address by Ms. Ope, a SHI volunteer, next was the opening prayer by one of the TBAs.
The TBAs introduced themselves and so did the volunteers, after which feedback was gotten on things learnt from the last training program by Ms. Marvellous, another SHI Volunteer. Through which their post knowledge, practices and number of clients reached was assessed and there was significant improvement. As they now reported that they wash their hands always before wearing gloves for any delivery, they spread the mackintosh on the delivery bed and counsel their patients on family planning while mentioning the ones they were familiar with including counselling the younger ones on going back to get an education or enroll in a vocational training skill.
Also they now ensure all their patients are screened before delivering them and in case of unfavourable results, they are referred to appropriate centres. It was quite thrilling to know that our first contact with them actually made a difference as they were ecstatic about the outcome of using the kit and the ripple effect of getting more customers as the clients who benefited from the use of the sterile birthing kits, referred other clients to them.
Dr Hussein Ismail took the Safe maternal delivery session (elaborating on birth preparedness, the first golden minute of life and danger signs for prompt referral, importance of immunization and vaccination of the baby appropriately after birth and also looking out for neonatal jaundice). A brief session reminder session on “Family Planning” and screening for diseases was taken by Dr Kemisola Agoyi (Cofounder/program Manager, SHI).
Challenges from the TBAs included a more detailed kit as the mackintosh can be tedious to use for them as reported by one of the TBAs. He was however taught how to properly place it for desired effect. Also questions on immunization was raised and duly answers by our team members. Another challenge is the unavailability of family planning (condoms especially) to be distributed to them, as they were really anticipating the distribution of condoms which not only protects from unwanted pregnancy but also from STIs.
We had a total of 4 volunteers and 10 TBAs (4 women and 6 men – this few number due to the timing of the meeting as many had travelled for the festive period). For which 40 birthing kits each and record keeping materials (file Jacket, papers, pen) were distributed to the TBAs to have an overview of their activities with the donated sterile birthing kit and for further evaluation of the intervention. Also our contacts was included for further communication.
In summary, the TBAs in the Orile Iganmu community have had a behavioural modification and benefited from our intervention likewise their clients as regards cleanliness during delivery, customers’ referral, cost elimination for buying the content of the sterile birthing kit, increased knowledge and uptake of family planning (life planning) with many gratitude. The feedbacks we got from them was exciting and encouraging (giving us a physical effect of our impact) while we hope to continually do more and touch more lives all over the region and beyond. Partner for this edition was Birthing Kit Foundation Australia.
Dr. Agoyi Mary Oluwakemisola
(MB;BS Lagos, SRHR Advocate, Medical Journalist, MSc. PH in view)
Cofounder/Program Manager
Safer Hands Health Initiative